21.04.2016 в 07:19
Пишет JoeEva:Съёмки «Шерлока Холмса 3» стартуют в этом году!
In an exclusive interview with ShortList, Robert Downey Jr. said he and director Guy Ritchie,who directed the first two instalments of Sherlock Holmes,
would be starting work on a third film before the end of the year.
“We’re talking about it right now,” said the actor. "We can do some preliminary stuff.”
URL записиIn an exclusive interview with ShortList, Robert Downey Jr. said he and director Guy Ritchie,who directed the first two instalments of Sherlock Holmes,
would be starting work on a third film before the end of the year.
“We’re talking about it right now,” said the actor. "We can do some preliminary stuff.”