Насобирала сплетней от Энти про Тома. Даже не знаю, верить ли ему после такого описания нашего мальчика-зайчика Томушки: He is a self-centered pretentious a-hole. Oh, and he can play the PR game almost better than anyone. Если бы он действительно был такой мастер ПР игр, он бы не вляпался в Свифт.
читать дальшеGolden Globes
This foreign born A list dual threat actor not named Benedict regaled his table with multiple stories of himself. The Golden Globe nominee/winner spent a good 15 minutes telling people about where he acquired his cuff links and showed no interest in anyone other than himself.
I got an e-mail asking me a question about this foreign born dual threat A- list actor not named Cumberbatch. They wanted to know if he is “that nice or has an inner darkness lurking.” Have I made him out to be nice because I am sorry if I have. He is a self-centered pretentious a-hole. He is a really really good actor though. Oh, and he can play the PR game almost better than anyone. His one problem other than a-holery is that he is obsessed with trying to find someone he thinks is a suitable publicity match.
This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor with a superhero franchise and not named Cumberbatch is such a pretentious f**k. Seriously. He went to one of the best schools in his home country but tries to act like he had no privilege at all growing up which is a complete lie. He likes to pretend he struggled to find a place acting when he has been given one break after the next because of how he grew up.
This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actor who is just as good looking as the guy he is replacing in a certain project forgot to zip up after using the facilities at a recent event. Not only does our actor go commando at black tie events, apparently he has nothing to be ashamed of in the endowment department.
Tom Hiddleston/Benedict Cumberbatch
This Academy Award winner thinks her current co-star, an A- list foreign born mostly movie actor is creepy and says he gives her the chills. She is trying to avoid doing interviews with him and the studio has tried to pair him with a male co-star in the movie.
Brie Larson/Tom Hiddleston/Samuel L Jackson
Emmy Awards
At the rehearsals for the show, the flirting between this foreign born A- list dual threat actor who is an Emmy winner/nominee and this foreign born actress got a bit out of hand. That top she was wearing kept falling down every time she raised her arms above her head and she seemed to be doing that every couple of minutes. They left the place in a very good mood and left together which is not how they arrived. Pretty sure someone now has a voodoo doll of her.
Tom Hiddleston/Priyanka Chopra
The woman who calls herself the girlfriend of this foreign born dual threat A- list mostly movie actor not named Benedict Cumberbatch has been telling the paps where the couple is going so they can be outed as a couple. The last thing this actor wants is any type of relationship outing.
Tom Hiddleston/Taylor Swift
If this A+ list songstress can’t convince her foreign born actor boyfriend to be engaged prior to the Emmy Awards, then it will be splitsville. She won’t walk down the red carpet with him without a ring.
You know things are bad for you when you pay a pap the $550 you had in your pocket to have him delete a photo of you sitting in a Starbucks by yourself. Apparently he told his A+ list girlfriend/all seeing watcher he was filming that day. It is the only time she doesn’t keep tabs on him.
You don’t actually think this foreign born A- list dual threat actor who has a franchise controls his own social media accounts do you? No, no no. His A+ list girlfriend has everything under her control. Hopefully she remembers which account she is signed into.
This A+ list singer must snore really loudly or her foreign born actor boyfriend must be allergic to cats. This would explain why he stays in hotels and not her home. You know, because they are madly in love. is it because his mom wouldn’t approve?
Three bodyguards and a driver and an assistant all provided by this A+ list singer to her “boyfriend” this weekend when he had to travel for work. The second he was finished working she had her people hustle him away from anyone who could ask him questions and had him brought back to her.
Elizabeth Olsen/Tom Hiddleston
This B list mostly movie actress from an acting family has a new movie coming out. Her male co-star is getting huge accolades, but not for our do anything to get noticed actress. Her PR company is paying people to Tweet out how great our actress is in the movie and to trash her co-star. She really is desperate to be famous.
This B list mostly movie actress from an acting family that really doesn’t act any longer might have set a record for having a boyfriend cheat on her. Well, probably not a record, but he was not even smart about it. He thought he was texting the woman he was cheating with, but accidentally sent them to our actress.
Things are off to a rough start for this B list mostly movie actress from an acting family that no longer acts. Her new boyfriend has been cheating on her while she is out of the country.
The sparks have been flying between this foreign born B list mostly movie actress and this foreign born B list mostly movie actor who everyone seems to think is hooking up with the actress from the acting family. Nope. It turns out he has been hooking up with the foreign born actress while they promote their movie leaving her actor boyfriend in the dust. Serves him right.
Mia Wasikowska/Tom Hiddleston/Elizabeth Olsen/Jeese Eisenberg
А про Генри только гадости пишет! Так верить не хочется, но терзают смутные сомнения, а вдруг правда? Тогда он такой потаскун получается...
Вот это увидела сегодня на Сплетнике, правда у самого Энти ничего нет, но все же:
Убило просто!
Этот киноактер, иностранного происхождения, из списка А, который снимается сейчас в основном в боевиках, устраивал покерную вечеринку, находясь за пределами страны со своей последней девушкой. Он заставил ее орально обслужить каждого участника покерной вечеринки. Его последняя девушка избегала этого несколько раз, когда он пытался заставить ее сделать тоже самое.
ОригиналThis foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is basically all action movies right now had a poker party while out of the country with his latest girlfriend. He made her orally service every member of the poker party. His last girlfriend walked multiple times when he tried to make her do that.)
Актер: Генри Кавилл
Последняя девушка: Люси Корк
Бывшая девушка: Тара Кинг
Остальное про Генри.This foreign born superhero is sweating bullets that two of his exes are going to spill what they know about his sex life. He needs the superhero gig. He should also be worried about this A- list mostly movie actor from an acting family who wants to be a superhero and is talking smack about him behind the scenes because the A- lister thinks the superhero is the easiest to replace.
Henry Cavill/Jake Gyllenhaal
This foreign born superhero is changing hotels every night and staying away from his house after breaking up with his current girlfriend. He cheated and she is not happy.
This A- list mostly movie actor who is a superhero is known for the strange things he has made his exes take part in. He had a long time celebrity girlfriend who was willing to do most and an A- list actress who was not. His new girlfriend apparently goes above and beyond and is trolling for new men and women to bring to the bedroom almost every night.
Henry Cavill/Gina Carano/Kaley Cuoco
This superhero is working on another franchise. The thing is, he has a string of women that he hooks up with but tells them all they should keep quiet about it because he likes his privacy. He just doesn’t want them to know about each other. A female stunt performer on the movie though has been very public about their fling which is causing him issues.
In an attempt to win back her ex, this maybe a celebrity says that when she hooked up with her superhero ex for ex sex that she got pregnant. No one is buying it.
Henry Cavill/Tara King
This superhero brought his teen barely barely barely legal girlfriend to the premiere. Considering she still lives at home, her parents came to the premiere too. Separately. The superhero’s family ignored them and pretended they didn’t exist.
While making a movie out of the country (not Canada), this B+ list superhero cheated on his girlfriend. Not a first or last for him. She is not so innocent herself. She paid several people at two nightclubs to let her know when someone famous came to the club and to get her access to that famous person. Her current boyfriend was not her first choice. She really wanted a boy bander.
As sloppy drunk as this A list superhero actor was at an event two nights ago, there was still no excuse for him pawing at this foreign born B list mostly television actress who was on a long running hit overseas and crashed and burned here. Everyone assumed she would push him away and go on with her night but he started talking about a part in his new movie and she is desperate for work and the next thing you know they left together. It was really sad watching it all take place.
Henry Cavill/Karen Gillan
This A list mostly movie actor is known for getting into a suit. He is also known for dumping this A+ list mostly television actress from a hit network show because she wanted to get married after one date and even told the tabloids they were getting married. Anyway he has a new girlfriend who does things to him he has never had done so he is perfectly willing to excuse the things she does which he has publicly stated are 100% the opposite of what he believes.
Henry Cavill/Kaley Cuoco/Marisa Gonzalo
This foreign born A list model who is also an actress now was at a party this past weekend and saw this B+ list action movie star and said that she has never been with a man but would make an exception for him. He found out and kept talking to her about threesomes. He did the same thing with this A list television actress ex.
Cara Delevingne/Henry Cavill/Kaley Cuoco
This superhero movie star who is A list when in his superhero role and B list in everything else was scheduled to attend a series of press events while overseas and then a show. He made it to the show but he skipped everything else because he went on a hooker binge. Reports are that in just a few days he hooked up with almost a dozen different women.
Yes, that was the actor who portrays one of the big superheroes with the pants to his tux down around his feet as he had sex with this model/escort he brought as his date to an event outside the country. It was a huge event, but apparently he only came to say he had sex there because he left shortly after. Without his date.
The A list movie actor ex of the actress in #7 has been having sex with a cocktail waitress he met in a casino while shooting his new movie and his actress girlfriend would not be pleased.
This C+ list actress turned to acting after a career as an A list entertainer(athlete). She and her A list mostly movie actor boyfriend are having issues. Might have something to do with the fact he cheats on her every week and is not shy about sharing photos and movies she made for him with his friends.
This B list celebrity turned B-/C+ list mostly movie actress has been on a rampage the past two months. She is convinced her A- list mostly movie actor boyfriend cheated on her and has been letting him know it everyday. The clothes he had at her place have been burned and the ashes sent back to him in the mail. She also texted all his friends to tell them what her thoughts were on the situation. She is not happy and when she gets wind of his current girlfriend, I hope she is ready for some of the same.
Gina Carano /Henry Cavill/Kaley Cuoco
Насобирала сплетней от Энти про Тома. Даже не знаю, верить ли ему после такого описания нашего мальчика-зайчика Томушки: He is a self-centered pretentious a-hole. Oh, and he can play the PR game almost better than anyone. Если бы он действительно был такой мастер ПР игр, он бы не вляпался в Свифт.
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А про Генри только гадости пишет! Так верить не хочется, но терзают смутные сомнения, а вдруг правда? Тогда он такой потаскун получается...
Вот это увидела сегодня на Сплетнике, правда у самого Энти ничего нет, но все же:
Убило просто!
Остальное про Генри.
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А про Генри только гадости пишет! Так верить не хочется, но терзают смутные сомнения, а вдруг правда? Тогда он такой потаскун получается...
Вот это увидела сегодня на Сплетнике, правда у самого Энти ничего нет, но все же:
Убило просто!
Остальное про Генри.