Miller took another courageous step in September, appearing at a Seattle event for the Human Rights Campaign, where he opened up about his suicide attempts as a teenager, concluding with a powerful statement of intent: “Let me be to someone else what no one was to me. Let me send a message to that kid, maybe in America, maybe someplace far overseas, maybe somewhere deep inside — a kid who is being targeted at home or at school or in the streets — that someone is watching and listening and caring, that there is an ‘us,’ that there is a ‘we,’ and that kid or teenager or adult is loved and they are not alone.”
Out asked Miller, who praises the Mankind Project for much of his personal growth — “It sounded way out of my comfort zone, but I was looking for a change, shift, growth” — to consider what he might say to his 15-year-old self. Here’s how he replied:
“There are plenty of things I’d say to my 15-year-old self, especially prior to his suicide attempt. However, I’d have things to say to him in the aftermath as well. I remember carrying around deep feelings of shame after I tried to kill myself, feeling like I’d stumbled or failed life’s exam. That I was now ‘damaged goods.’ What I would say to that younger self — what I’d say to anyone who’s walked a similar road — is to focus less on the fact that you nearly ended your life and more on the fact that you survived, that you lived to tell the tale. And then tell it. I’d say, ‘What you think of as scars are medals. They’re badges of honor, testifying to something inside you that is determined and tenacious and enduring.’ That’s why when someone who knows my story approaches me with a ‘poor you’ attitude, my response is, ‘Don’t feel sorry for me. Because I know what it is to be tested. I know what it’s like to be broken and to have to pick myself up again. I know who I am in those moments. And I’m stronger for it.’ There are people out there who have never been tested, who have never been broken, so when life eventually comes for them they can’t say for sure how they’ll respond. Maybe they’ll pick themselves up and maybe they won’t. And my heart goes out to them. Because sooner or later, life comes for everybody.”
"Growing up I was a target. Speaking the right way, standing the right way, holding your wrist the right way. Every day was a test and there was a thousand ways to fail...A thousand ways to portray yourself to not live up to someone else's standards of what was accepted," Wentworth said with a steady but vulnerable voice. "The first time I tried to kill myself I was 15. I waited until my family went away for the family and I was alone in the house and I swallowed a bottle of pills. I don't remember what happened over the next couple of days but I'm pretty sure come Monday morning I was on the bus back to school pretending everything was fine."
Even after getting to Hollywood, where career and personal life so often come into conflict, Miller kept up his subterfuge, and judging from his speech, he feels no small amount of guilt. But it wasn't guilt that made him come out in a letter to the St. Petersburg International Film Festival rejecting their invitation. It was his realization that he could be a role model for others in the closet. "I thought, 'Let me be to someone else what no one was to me,'" he said. (x)
Не все ищут братьев по разуму, половина ищет сестер по глупости...
Е Л Е Н А, а по поводу чего слезы? Как это-как это-как это?!! Чувак разбил мне сердце! Я теперь каждый раз при виде его буду плакать, и смирюсь лет через 10, не раньше!
самое главное - у него все теперь хорошо Да уж, в свете последних его откровений, слава Богу, у него теперь все хорошо!
Я ненавижу людей, но они в этом точно не виноваты.
efinie, ну, с вашей общей "бедой" - да Ибо это малая часть до сих пор горюет, как это Эндрюха мог так с ними поступить. Есть ещё отдельные индивидуумы, но их меньше, к счастью.
Как это-как это-как это?!! Чувак разбил мне сердце!
самое главное - у него все теперь хорошо
Да уж, в свете последних его откровений, слава Богу, у него теперь все хорошо!
Ну, ведь не женщине же!
Только малую?!
Ну ничего, вот
когдаесли Камбер раскроется, посмотрю на вас!