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Это я прочитала интервью наших сценаристов и... Боже, отберите кто-нибудь у них лицензию на сценарное дело, или как там это называется! Одно это чего стоит:
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Fandango: Were there any other moments you guys toyed around with going to?
Christopher Markus: Yeah I think there was a draft where the Space Stone, the Cosmic Cube, the Tesseract, was retrieved from the Triskelion-
Stephen McFeely: No, that was the Mind Stone.
Christopher Markus: Oh...
Stephen McFeely: The Tesseract was always in Asgard. In Central Park.
Christopher Markus: Oh that's true, that's true.
Stephen McFeely: So it was the Mind Stone.
Мы тут строим теории, которым позавидовали бы даже лучшие умы, а они не могут запомнить всего лишь 6 камней. А мы ждем, что они запомнят, что наснимали в прошлых фильмах 
Ответ про Тора, впрочем, позволяет фиксить его линию практически беспрепятственно, просто
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Fandango: Speaking of Thor, Thor: Ragnarok feels like it had a significant influence on characters in this film.
Stephen McFeely: I mean, we did all of this before Ragnarok.
Christopher Markus: Yeah, initially we were writing drafts prior to Taika coming onboard. And it was once they got underway and they were off in Australia making the movie and it was clear that they were discovering new facets to Thor, Chris Hemsworth wanted to make sure that this new loosened-up Thor didn't vanish immediately upon returning to the Avengers world. And so he and Taika flew to Atlanta and we had long meetings with them and watched some footage and got a sense of the new Thor tone, and it worked perfectly with where we wanted to go.Милота от РДЖ
читать дальшеFandango: One of the most memorable lines in the film is Stark's "I love you, three thousand." Where did that come from?
Christopher Markus: Well much as we'd like to take credit for what is inevitably going to be one of the most memorable lines in MCU history, that is something that Robert and his children actually say to each other, and he brought it from real life onto the set.
Stephen McFeely: The sсript was, "Love you tons. Love you tons." And now it's, "Love you tons. Love you 3000."И вот мы добрались до линии Стива. Боже, дай нам сил переварить этот пиздеж
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Fandango: So people are asking... Does this mean an old Captain America was hanging out this whole time while another Captain America was saving the day?
Christopher Markus: That is our theory. We are not experts on time travel, but the Ancient One specifically states that when you take an Infinity Stone out of a timeline it creates a new timeline. So Steve going back and just being there would not create a new timeline. So I reject the "Steve is in an alternate reality" theory.
I do believe that there is simply a period in world history from about '48 to now where there are two Steve Rogers. And anyway, for a large chunk of that one of them is frozen in ice. So it's not like they'd be running into each other.
Погодите-ка! Не далее как пару дней назад Руссо пели совершенно другую песню про Стива в альтернативной вселенной
Когда в товарищах согласия нет, на лад их дело не пойдет (с). Что мы и видим в результате...
Т.е. и Агента Картер они тоже писали, и тоже так кстати забыли, как Пегги попрощалась и отпустила Стива и нашла новую любовь Сузу. Хотя и в АК были звоночки линий, на которых положили большой и толстый. Линия Джека, например...
Fandango: Do you have a personal favorite moment from the film? Something you've been waiting a long time to put in an MCU movie?
Christopher Markus: Certainly seeing Steve reunited with Peggy at the end is, you know, that is literally full circle with our time in the MCU. You know, we did First Avenger, we did the Agent Carter show in the middle, and now we got them back together at the end, and it feels right.
Ага, настолько райт, что люди своими маленькими тупыми мозгами никак не могут найти то самое райт 
Надеюсь, Карма им бумерангом отплатит за это:
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Fandango: Do you think there's a world where we see the adventures of Captain and Peggy either on the big or small screen?
Christopher Markus: Possibly. I think maybe all I did was Steve was a stay-at-home dad and Peggy went to work at S.H.I.E.L.D. I don't know that there were any adventures.
И за это:
Fandango: One thing that we don't know about the Soul Stone is what happens when you bring back the Soul Stone? Cap bringing back all of these Stones, how do you feel like that could potentially influence the future of the MCU?
Stephen McFeely: It seems like a question for another time.
Christopher Markus: And for another writer. But all I know is when we kill somebody, except with a Snap, they're dead.
Fandango: The Snap did bring back a lot of our favorite characters. Loki, is he kicking around somewhere? And what about Vision?
Christopher Markus: No, I mean we only brought back the people who were effectively disintegrated by the Snap at the end of Infinity War. Anybody who died over the course of the movie through neck-snapping or stabbing or being thrown off a cliff or having a Mind Stone torn out of their head stayed dead. (х)
Будет смешно, если таймлайн сериалов про Локи и Вандавиженов будет после ЭГ 
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Если я где-нибудь услышу, что в фильме или сериале участвовали эти два товарища, я буду обходить этот фильм или сериал за сотни километров!
ППКС. Твари.
И не говори!
Если я где-нибудь услышу, что в фильме или сериале участвовали эти два товарища, я буду обходить этот фильм или сериал за сотни километров! На всякий пожарный. Чтобы не разбить себе лоб фейспалмами.
Вот то же самое писала. Это не сценаристы, это днище вселенское.
сорри, мимокрокодил, не смог сдержаться
И над этим они "работали" три(!!!) года
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