Не все ищут братьев по разуму, половина ищет сестер по глупости...
Да Боже ты мой, неужели?!! :buh: Хотя я уже и не рада. В наше время кризиса индустрии стоит ожидать толерантное говно, где Кирк со Споком будут комичными идиотами, которых победят все, кому не лень, а сиять будет Салдана, потому что два-в-одном: и негр, и баба. :rolleyes:

Paramount is planning to enter negotiations for “Star Trek” stars Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, John Cho and Simon Pegg to return to the Enterprise for their fourth tour of duty in the venerable sci-fi franchise.

The announcement was made by J.J. Abrams during the Paramount Investors Day Presentation on Feb. 15.

“We are thrilled to say that we are hard at work on a new ‘Star Trek’ film that will be shooting by the end of the year that will be featuring our original cast and some new characters that I think are going to be really fun and exciting and help take ‘Star Trek’ into areas that you’ve just never seen before,” Abrams said. “We’re thrilled about this film, we have a bunch of other stories that we’re talking about that we think will be really exciting, so can’t wait for you to see what we’re cooking up. But until then, live long and prosper.” х

Давайте вместе с Крисом дружно пошлем Абрамсу лучи благоразумия! :gigi:


@темы: кино, Zachary Quinto, Крис Пайн, фандом: Star Trek